Guinea Pigs by KLOGR. KLOGR, an Italian alternative rock band launch a new way to raise funds for Sea Shepherd; ...
Brass Knuckle Boogie were rocking the Fedcon in Düsseldorf with the mighty Klingon actors J.G. Hertzler and Robert O’Reilly joined ...
Yvonne Kroonenberg wrote this short story especially for Artists for Sea Shepherd. She also painted some nice sketches. Looking back ...
Red Hot Chili Peppers support Sea Shepherd at Big Day Out Music Festival. The Big Day Out is one of ...
The last remaining blue whale comes eye to eye with its only enemy; mankind. The film was directed by Rutger ...
Raising awareness about our oceans on Aerosmith’s “Global Warming Tour”. Sea Shepherd is thrilled to announce we’ve joined the legendary ...
A project of Sea Shepherd Netherlands and Bont voor Dieren (Fur for Animals). Sea Shepherd Netherlands and Bont voor Dieren ...
Mötley Crüe drummer speaks up for Paul Watson at german concert. At a recent Mötley Crüe concert in Bamberg, Germany ...
Gojira supports Paul Watson at Rock am Ring. At the Rock am Ring 2012 Festival in Germany Gojira’s lead singer ...