Mötley Crüe drummer speaks up for Paul Watson at german concert.

At a recent Mötley Crüe concert in Bamberg, Germany legendary drummer Tommy Lee spoke up for Captain Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Tommy Lee spoke about Captain Watson being detained in Germany awaiting extradition to Costa Rica regarding a 2002 charge for interfering with an illegal shark-finning operation.

The incident originally took place in Guatemalan waters in 2002 when Sea Shepherd discovered an illegal Costa Rican shark-finning vessel, Varadero I. On order of Guatemalan authorities, Sea Shepherd instructed the Varadero I to cease and desist their shark-finning activities and head back to port to be prosecuted.

Tommy Lee also talked about the practice of shark-finning, where almost 100 million sharks have their fin cut off sharks per year and thrown back into the sea to drown, and starve. Tommy encouraged fans to contact Germany’s Ministry of Justice to demand Captain Watson’s release and then led fans in “Free Paul Watson!”