Fragile organic lines thought into the air, shaping delicate forms of majestic marine wildlife, accompanied by their shadows of vulnerability.
Breathing a natural simplicity and directness, inviting you to enter their fragile and mysterious world.
Meandering wires form sketches in space, projected and entangled in the lines of their shadow.
Will soon all there is left be the fading shadows of a once balanced past?
The animated works of Tara Knutson are a visual call to safeguard the lines of life, highlighting the current situation of fragile existence many oceanic species find themselves in.
– Geert Vons, Artistic Director Sea Shepherd Global

“I have been working with wire since 1995 and grateful for this simple medium in aiding my growth as an artist. ‘Sharks are ___.’ is a project I have wanted to do for a few years now. Every time I would reference the internet for a photograph of a shark, it was often accompanied with fascinating and often disturbing facts. Fascinating facts such as there are over 500 species of sharks! Disturbing in that humans are decimating shark populations at high speeds. And most disturbing of all, that they are fished for their fins and thrown back in the water alive, left to bleed to death.”

“There is too much suffering on this planet already. Making sculptures in their likeness has given me such joy, I wanted to dedicate a show to raising awareness and funds to aid in their protection and preservation. I think one of mankind’s greatest regrets will be that we have misused and abused our position over animals and wildlife, that we neglected to see their pure majesty because it would inconvenience our way of life, or that we did not see their importance  because we did not see how they were ‘like us’. “

“My hope is that ‘Sharks are ___.’ will take up a bit of space in your heart and mind and be a tiny step towards redefining the human  relationship with animals. Sharks are deserving of our care. That is why I am donating a portion of sales to Sea Shepherd, the heroes who are working daily to preserve our oceans and it’s species.”

“My hope is that ‘Sharks are ___.’ will take up a bit of space in your heart and mind and be a tiny step towards redefining the human  relationship with sharks. They deserve our care.”
  – Tara Knutson

Sharks are ___.
A show of sculpture by Tara Knutson

52 Wharf Rd.
Bolinas, CA

January 2022
Opening January 8: 14:00 – 17:00
Weekends 12:00 – 17:00