Sea Shepherd flagship Farley Mowat painted with life size Whales and Dolphins.

Dutch artist Geert Vons arrived in Curacao in October to contribute his talents to repainting the hull of the Farley Mowat with life-size whales and dolphins. Geert has been a long-time supporter of Sea Shepherd. He designed the Sea Shepherd Jolly Roger flag that we now fly and is responsible for the colorful interior signs on the Farley Mowat. Geert is an artist who has mastered the art of saving whales. He not only paints the beings from the sea, he gives back generously to help protect and defend the whales, the dolphins, the turtles, the seals, the birds and the fish. We have had the honor of his company on our crew many times in the past. So the Farley Mowat has been given a new, colorful and very animated new look for 2005. Our ship will certainly attract attention because of this incredible maritime mobile mural.