KAOTIKO supporting Sea Shepherd – serving our ocean

“Plastic pollution forms a serious threat to our ocean.
There is a lot of talking, organizing congresses and writing reports.
The facts and statistics are clear, but we keep on rationally ignoring them.
That’s why we need a different approach.
We need artists committed to
serve our ocean.”

–  Drs. Geert Vons, Artistic Director Sea Shepherd Global


KAOTIKO supports Sea Shepherd in the fight to defend our ocean.

In their latest work, Kaotiko deals with the denunciation by man of the overexploitation of our ecosystem and the extermination of man by man himself. In this case, we are going to focus on the song EVOLUTION, in it, the band deals in its own way with the denunciation of pollution and the overuse that society makes of a material such as plastic, even plasticising our oceans.

“Plastics to drink Degraded and died in our waters”
“That is where we, as a band and as individuals, realised the importance of the work that Sea Shepherd does in our oceans, fighting illegal fishing, maintaining and defending marine life”.

Kaotiko has released a new video clip, part of the digital rights and reproductions of the video clip will go directly to Sea Shepherd, as well as part of the proceeds of an exclusive merchandise line.

Evolution - Kaotiko